All Luxury Homes for Sale in 55-Plus Communities in Milliken

See homes for sale in age-restricted communities in Milliken. Most of these communities are geared toward people 55 and over. In Milliken, over-55 communities, or Active Adult communities, have become very popular. The homes in these communities are most often low-maintenance, there are usually fantastic amenities and the homes are perfect for people 55 and over. If you have questions about a specific age-restricted community, what living in a 55-Plus community is like, or questions a home you see here,Ā call or text The Principal Team at 720-408-7409 orĀ contact us. The real estate listings here include pricing information, property details,Ā photos and descriptions. These Milliken luxury homes in 55-and-over communitiesĀ  are updated continually with data from the local MLS.Ā 

All 55-and-over Luxury Homes For Sale in Milliken

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Meadow Farms

9260 Meadow Farms Drive, Milliken, CO 80543

4,058 SquareFeet
This stunning custom farmhouse-style home, built in September 2022, is a rare gem in a peaceful equestrian community. Nestled on 1.6 acres with breathtaking mountain views, this property offers tranquility while remaining conveniently close to I-25 and the charming town of Johnstown. This custom home community allows for horses, chickens, and other domestic animals.


9139 County Road 54, Milliken, CO 80543

2,663 SquareFeet
Nestled amidst Northern Coloradoā€™s gorgeous sprawling views, this Refined Residence rests on 6.5 acres of land in Milliken. With pristine renovations and modern amenities, this home is a tranquil haven for a buyer hoping to embrace an elegant side of country living. Less than an hour from both Denver and Boulder, youā€™ll experience small town living at its best.


9139 County Road 54, Milliken, CO 80543

2,663 SquareFeet
Nestled amidst gorgeous sprawling views, this Refined Residence rests on 6.5 acres of land in Milliken. With pristine renovations and modern amenities, this home is a tranquil haven for a buyer hoping to embrace an elegant side of country living. Recently remodeled, this single-story custom home is both spacious and cozy.
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