We Support Kids in Need of Dentistry (KIND)

Recently, members of The Principal Team got to tag along with KIND at a local elementary school as part of KIND’s Chopper Topper program. The Chopper Topper program is a mobile dental sealant program that travels to area elementary schools with student populations of 50 percent or more qualifying for the free or reduced lunch program. KIND provides dental screenings, preventive dental sealants, oral health education and referrals at no cost.

Research has shown that dental sealants, when retained intact, are nearly 100% effective in preventing dental decay in permanent molar teeth, especially when used in combination with other preventive measures such as fluoride, and regular brushing. Placing dental sealants on children’s teeth protects the tooth enamel from the acids that cause tooth decay.

There’s really nothing more fun than coloring and talking to 7-year-olds as they get ready to see a hygienist! They were great – some were a little scared while others bragged about how well they brushed their teeth.

KIND relies on private donations and giving to keep their programs and initiatives running and to help serve Colorado children in need.
The Principal Team was able to donate $500 to help support KIND’s mission to help children in our communities. If you’d like help KIND serve more children in Colorado, make a donation at: https://kindsmiles.org/donate/